Christmas Drinks Celebration

12th December 2019: 4.30pm onwards. Finish approx. 9.30pm.

Come and join us for Christmas drinks at The Head of Steam. We're having a joint Christmas Drinks event between ProCon Nottinghamshire and PIPIN, sponsored by Couch Perry Wilkes.

Feel free to nip in for half an hour or for longer, but you must book so that we know how many to cater for. If you book you will receive a free drink.

We look forward to seeing you at the event to celebrate ProCon Nottinghamshire's second year.

Event Venue

The Head of Steam

Couch Perry Wilkes logo

This event is sponsored by Couch Perry Wilkes

Mechanical, Electrical and Low Carbon Consultants. We make buildings feel good!

Couch Perry Wilkes

39 Stoney Street


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ProCon Nottinghamshire Limited

Park View House, 58 The Ropewalk, Nottingham, NG1 5DW. Company number: 11283272