WEBINAR - Introducing the Island Quarter

17th July 2020: 2pm start

For the first time ever, the team behind The Island Quarter will discuss the detailed plans for the first phase of the development, which will be submitted to Nottingham City Council this month.

The site, formerly known as Boots Island, will be transformed by Conygar in what is thought to be the biggest development of its kind in the UK at the moment.

Attendees will get a first viewing of the project’s video showcase, as well exclusive CGIs of the first phase of the development and a chance to hear from those who are bringing the scheme forward in a live Q&A.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Paul Seddon, director of planning and regeneration, Nottingham City Council
  • Richard Watson, head of project delivery team, The Island Quarter
  • James Dilley, director, Jestico+Whiles
  • Richard Bennett, Canal and River Trust

Click this link to register to attend: REGISTER TO ATTEND.

All registrations must come from a valid, business email address.

Questions for the Q&A can be submitted to the panel via this email: theislandquarter@cartwrightcommunications.co.uk.

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